D a v e M i c h a e l R o b i n s o n
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This website wouldn't be complete without sharing the life of the man for whom this website is dedicated. Dave Robinson, KC's husband and father to Logan & Teddy.
Here are excerpts of his remembrance from the funeral program written by his sisters and niece that tells of the great father, husband, brother, son, uncle and friend he was.
Here are excerpts of his remembrance from the funeral program written by his sisters and niece that tells of the great father, husband, brother, son, uncle and friend he was.
Saving A Life From Suicide
Many people, most of all those who knew and loved him, have great difficulty understanding how Dave, such a well-loved family man, could have committed suicide. In fact, it was simply inconceivable to many. Part of the mission of Hold My Hand Grief Support is to provide information about suicide, resources for help, and deeply important to KC and her kids, to dispel the stigma and myths surrounding depression to enable those who are suffering from it to seek help.
As a first step, we've included signs in men that can often be missed because they are not generally associated as being part of depression -- many of which Dave was displaying before his death.
If we can stop even one person from making a forever choice, all will not be lost.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
As a first step, we've included signs in men that can often be missed because they are not generally associated as being part of depression -- many of which Dave was displaying before his death.
If we can stop even one person from making a forever choice, all will not be lost.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Reach Out Your Hand For Help
What To Watch For
From the American Association of Suicidology, here is a easy-to-remember mnemonic on how to know the warning signs of suicide:
I Ideation
S Substance Abuse
P Purposelessness
A Anxiety
T Trapped
H Hopelessness
W Withdrawal
A Anger
R Recklessness
M Mood Changes
Their website www.suicidology.org is chock full of information that can help guide you further.
I Ideation
S Substance Abuse
P Purposelessness
A Anxiety
T Trapped
H Hopelessness
W Withdrawal
A Anger
R Recklessness
M Mood Changes
Their website www.suicidology.org is chock full of information that can help guide you further.